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Why are women so catty?

As a woman I have always asked myself why girls and women are so catty and jealous of one another. I think it is in our nature to be competitive. I know when I started high school, I was never considered the “pretty one” in fact I was always over shadowed by the “prettier girls”.
When I saw pretty girls, or even girls that dressed better than I did, I automatically disliked them. I never acted out my “hateration” because I was very soft spoken, but I secretly loathed them. I have always had a soft heart so I was never vicious with my jealously. When the green eyed monster rears its ugly head, women can become very viscous and spiteful.
As I have gotten older, I have learned to control this green eyed monster. My jealousy towards other women is better controlled now, than when I was younger. I have developed a system to tame the green eyed enemy. If you have a strong mind, this should work for you.
1. Stop worrying about what someone else has. Be thankful for what you have.
2. Stop hating: It’s ok to give a woman her props if she deserves it. Second, you know her glory but you don’t know her story. You have no idea what she has been through to accomplish her success. Until you have walked in her shoes, you really don’t know her story.
3. Know your situation can always be worse: Always know that someone, somewhere, would love to be in your shoes, and have what you have because they are unfortunate.
4. Know that everything is not as it seems: Just because she looks like she is living the glamorous life on the outside, does not mean that she is truly happy. We never know what is really going on in someone else’s life.
1. Women are catty towards one another mainly because of jealousy. Most of that jealousy comes from looks. Women strive to be beautiful, when they see a naturally beautiful woman it makes them insecure, and angry. The strange thing about jealousy and women is that jealous women are usually the pretty ones.
2. Inferiority: Because many jealous women are beautiful, most of them are hostile because attention is being taken away from them, and directed to a woman of “lesser value”.
3. Men: I find this to happen often between females whether they are mother and daughter, cousins, friends, or sisters. Many women sleep with each other’s men not necessarily because she wants him or he’s fine, but out of spite, jealousy, and wanting to walk in her shoes.
Years ago I used to work at a McDonalds. I’ve always had long finger nails since I was 15 yrs old. When I first got hired, I knew I was the bomb with my long curvaceous fluorescent designed nails. You couldn’t tell me ANYTHING! The hiring manager (male) hired me on the spot; he didn’t have a problem with my appearance or anything. When the shift supervisor (female) came in, the first thing I thought was Shirley from What’s Happening, because that’s who she looked like. She had an afro, and a small beard growing out of the side of her neck (this is the absolute truth). The first thing she said to me was “you got to get rid of those nails.” I’m thinking” Bitch you’re just mad because you’re ugly.” I went to the nail salon and got my nails cut down a lot from what I was used to. About six months later, my nails grew back longer. This woman looks at my nails and says “your nails keep getting longer and longer. I’m going to ask you to quit.” How the hell are you going to ask someone to quit their job? I’ll have more respect for you if you’d just fire me. Eventually she got transferred to another store, and I moved on to another job.


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