As a woman I have always asked myself why girls and women are so catty and jealous of one another. I think it is in our nature to be competitive. I know when I started high school, I was never considered the “pretty one” in fact I was always over shadowed by the “prettier girls”. When I saw pretty girls, or even girls that dressed better than I did, I automatically disliked them. I never acted out my “hateration” because I was very soft spoken, but I secretly loathed them. I have always had a soft heart so I was never vicious with my jealously. When the green eyed monster rears its ugly head, women can become very viscous and spiteful. As I have gotten older, I have learned to control this green eyed monster. My jealousy towards other women is better controlled now, than when I was younger. I have developed a system to tame the green eyed enemy. If you have a strong mind, this should work for you. THE GREEN EYED MONSTER 1. Stop worrying about what someone else has. Be thankful...